Starts with zoom call Sunday August 18, 2024

The 16th - 1 Year Shamanic Healing Program 2024

Whale Group

At Fells Meadows, Northumberland
near Toronto, Canada

Residential Training
The Path of Power 


Taught By: Daniel Leonard
Assisted by: Kristy Micklewright, Adina Andronic & Wendy Cockburn

Empowerment - Healing - Growth - Transformation

Next Initiation starts August 18, 2024 - Intro zoom call

In-person training, week #1 - October 27 - November 1, 2024

Monthly zoom calls - August, September, November, December, January, February, March, April, May - Dates TBA

In-person training, week #2 - Spring of 2025 Dates TBA

Two monthly zoom calls after week #2 (July and August) to complete case studies and finish the program - Dates TBA

Some of the proceeds from this course  are donated to First Nations Organizations.

Daniel Leonard is a born healer and teacher. His life experience has brought him to a place of wisdom sharer. Daniel is sensitive, compassionate, an extremely clear communicator, and has a good sense of humor. Any client or student working with Daniel will learn a wealth of self-empowerment tools and healing skills. Daniel's teaching is brilliant! His work is truly good medicine!

  • Sandra Ingerman, international shamanic teacher and author of 10 books on shamanism.
When you join, here is what you get:
  • Over 17 Days of intensive healing training
  • A complete, high-quality education in spiritual healing - not just participation in ceremonies - you also learn the fundamentals of shamanic spiritual healing skills.
  • Learn from an experienced, dedicated teacher with over 25 years of practice in spiritual healing and soul retrieval. Daniel is a teacher who is fully engaged and committed to support your personal growth and learning process.
  • Experience powerful group ceremonies with like-minded people where you will enjoy gentle growth in a safe, supportive environment...immerse yourself in learning that will last a lifetime.
  • Make a connection with the sacred and learn practical skills.
  • Experience a return of personal power.
  • A life changing, unforgettable, rich, and transformative experience.

Please ask about the details of how to apply.

Testimonials - video about the 1 Year Program in Shamanic Healing

Click here to see the 26 minutes video giving more details and testimonials about the 1 Year Program in Shamanic Healing or click the photo below.

Next set of initiations starts early 2024

The pre-requisite for the training is a soul retrieval ceremony and interview with Daniel. You also need to know how to journey and make a connection with your spirits. If you do not know how to journey, we offer a One Day Workshop introduction or you can take an on-line class with Sandra Ingerman.

1 Year Together

The same group of participants will work together for approximately 1 year. You will develop a general knowledge of a variety of healing techniques and skills and an in-depth knowledge of the journeying technique. You will receive nearly 120 hours - 14 days - of intensive training spread over 2  6-day in-person sessions and monthly zoom sessions.

This is a residential training program for the in-person portion of the program.  All participants will stay at a chosen retreat center Fells Meadows, near Toronto, Canada. Details will be sent to you when you apply.

Your Journey

Discover and learn how to use the shamanic journey for many purposes, to work with your spirit animals and spirit helpers. Discover how to use the technique to help you in your daily life or with creative projects and to do healing work with others.  The basic method of the shamanic journey is a form of meditation using drumming where you learn to soul travel, commune with the unseen reality and compassionate healing spirits for the purpose of receiving guidance, information and healing. Scientific studies show that repetitive drumming alters brain waves patterns in a way that is comparable to deep sleep and deep meditative states. In this states, the journeyer obtains information and healing visions which have direct application to ordinary reality.


You will be supported in discovering your own gifts and apply them to help others and yourself.


Deepen your connection with life and experience healings that bring fundamental shifts and align you with your higher purpose. Foster a sacred way of living life in harmony with nature and the Earth.


After completing the initiations, you will receive a certificate from The Medicine Circle as an acknowledgement that you have fulfilled the requirements and attended all sessions, completed your 20 cases studies and handed-in your case study reports.


The 1 Year Program is about connecting to the unseen reality where people can meet and interact with healing, compassionate spirit helpers to help restore balance in themselves, others and the environment. It is a path that causes personal growth and a holistic approach to all aspects of everyday life. Walking the path is a process of re-empowerment, self-healing and a path of knowledge where a person learns to work with spirit helpers to effect desired results for healing and restoring balance and living in harmony with all of creation.

Sessions spread out over 1 year period as follows:

  • 2 introductory sessions on zoom

  • In person Session ONE - 6 days intensive -  Fells Meadows, Northumberland, ON Canada

Journeying using drumming & rattling, Power Animal Retrieval, Meeting your Spirit Helpers, working with your helpers, Merging with your Spirit Helpers, Power Animal Dance, Divination, reading signs, interpreting messages, grounding received teachings, taking action on advice received.

Extraction, Psychopomp, working with, guiding and healing the spirits of the dead, Working with the spirits of place, nature and doing healing for places and physical spaces. Introduction to working with your healthy ancestors.

  • Monthly sessions on zoom - check-ins and teachings in between the two in-person sessions

  • In Person Session TWO - 6 days intensive -

    Fells Meadows, Northumberland, ON Canada 


Soul Retrieval. The definition and method, the stolen souls and ceremony for returning the stolen souls, Soul Remembering, Soul Retrieval for past lives, after Soul Retrieval - self care, process, integration and the healing crisis, Intro to PTSD [Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and trauma] from a shamanic perspective, Contraindications for Soul Retrieval

Empowering and blessing your healing tools (ceremony), Shadow work & awareness about power games, Fire Ceremony, Distance Healing, how to work with your Power Animal, transformational journeys.

  • 2 sessions on zoom to finish case studies and complete the training


  • Participants must commit to attend ALL initiations and zoom sessions. If you miss a session, you will automatically drop out of the course and not be allowed to return.
  • Participant must fill out a short application form and sign a liability waiver.
  • To book your space in the course you need to go through an interview and soul retrieval healing session with Daniel and submit a letter of reference and a letter describing yourself and why you feel called to do this training.
  • Participants must do homework practice sessions between trainings and hand-in short case study reports on their experiences [20 case studies].
  • This is a residential training for the 2 in-person sessions. Information about the retreat center will be sent out with your application forms. Cost of retreat will be approximately $1400 per week CAD (5 nights accommodations and all meals) for a total of $2800 CAD including all meals. This amount does not include course fees.

  • Airport to fly into is Toronto Pearson International
  • You will also need to make or acquire a drum and a rattle for this training - elders and resources will be suggested. Rattles are available to purchase from The Medicine Circle.
  • Not everyone is admitted to this training. Please email us and we will send you an application form.
  • Supplies for the course – FOR EVERY SESSION PLEASE BRING:
    • You will need to bring your own drum and rattle to each session (except for the first retreat – if you do not have your drum or rattle at the first retreat, that’s fine. But you will need them for all other 4 sessions)
    • a notebook and pens
    • cushion
    • blanket to lay on for journeying
    • eye bandana to cover your eyes during journeying
    • Please let us know if you have any existing conditions whether physical, mental, or emotional.


These initiations will teach you shamanic healing skills.  Taking and graduating from this course does not make you a healer or a shaman.

Please note:
Daniel does not hold plant medicine ceremonies. Daniel teaches healing using the journey process using percussion, dancing, singing, storytelling.

Daniel Leonard & The Medicine Circle reserve the right to cancel the participation of anyone, at any time for any reason and to cancel any workshops at any time and for any reason. If the case may be, fees paid in advance will be refunded.

Testimonials from people who have completed the 1 year initiations and other trainings


"A trustworthy guide..."

It was an honour and a pleasure to help Daniel Leonard by presenting a short session on trauma and story during his workshop on PTSD and shamanic & related healing work.  I met Daniel about 20 years ago at the beginning of his study of Shamanism, Reiki, and other healing practices, and have seen him use this work for his personal growth, for helping clients, and for teaching.  He has become not only a colleague but also a friend. He is a trustworthy guide in helping people overcome these challenges on the path and find deeper meaning and greater physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being in their lives.

-Ellen S. Jaffe, writer/poet, psychotherapist, Shamanic practitioner. Hamilton, Ontario

“Life changing journey”

Taking this course has changed my life and helped me align with the true me. The changes are significant and positive. I am becoming what I aspired to be all my life...and the journey has been transformative.  What I learned in the course has empowered me and will help me empower those who need my help.  I found my inner ninja!  I felt supported throughout the year in this life changing journey.  I am also amazed at how the environment outside of me is also gradually changing. Our Shaman teacher worked sincerely and with compassion throughout to make us whole. - M. Kaur.

“My first true heart-centered teacher”

I studied with Daniel, my first true heart-centered teacher. Daniel is the teacher my soul was searching for. He helps me to see in myself the beauty I had previously only seen in others. His wisdom, for me, lies in the fact that he will skillfully help you open the door, hold it safely for you, but then allows you to walk through on your own, to find your own way.  He ignited within me a memory of myself, of my power, of my heart. For him, I am eternally grateful. Like a beacon, he gathers himself groups of star people, earth people, magis, healers, yoginis, yogis, wisdom-keepers, witches, goddesses and gurus who have not yet remembered who they are. As I see it, he is a wayshower, a peeler away of things not needed, a wise and compassionate teacher who creates a safe container for people to remember.  Jenn Demarest

"The year of training was pivotal for me...."

Daniel Leonard is a very talented healer and teacher. I highly recommend this journey with The Medicine Circle.  I continue using what was taught on a daily basis adding my own rituals and healing methods. The year of training for me was pivotal and life changing and also the work Daniel did privately with me enhanced my core direction leading to my life purpose.  And everything he predicted would happen has come to pass....So grateful.

- Sherry T., participant in the First 1 Year Program 2008-2009.

"The weekend was very powerful..."

I loved the extraction weekend!! I am so grateful to have you as my teacher. The weekend was very powerful and also I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time! It was so much fun.  -Colleen C.

“A turning point for me”

Thank you so much for this weekend. You create a  safe, nurturing, respectful and positive environment for us to learn  and experience the magic of the shamanic tools. I know how much you  put into this and I have great appreciation for your efforts and care. This third weekend of the course has  been a turning point for me. I didn’t realize just how powerful shamanic work is until then. It’s turned my life around. I’m just so grateful to you for everything. It was wonderful. - Sally S.

“So inspiring”

Being with you, and everyone in the group has been a transformative experience. Your spontaneity, courage, knowledge, big heart and great compassion are so inspiring. Thank you for the profound healing. - W. B.

“Wonderful balance of reverence, humility and playfulness”

As a teacher who is so open, giving, funny, gracious, humble, goofy and grounded it feels like you brought out the best in all of us.   I know you did me!    ......How you manage all of us with such humour and grace is beyond me.  Many, many thanks for all  that you  do and give and  for the wonderful  balance of reverence, humility and playfulness with which you share your knowledge.  Thank you for leading us on this spiritual journey with humour and humanity - Karen H.

“Highly recommend it!”

A sincere thank you to you Daniel for being in your purpose with such love, openness and acceptance.  I continue to feel so empowered since our weekend. Thank you so much for such a profound weekend.....This year long Shamanic Healing program was very powerful for me! it has made a huge impact in my life! If you are looking at reclaiming your power, healing or want to get better connected to your intuition this program will blow you away. I highly recommend it! - Cate C.

“I like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Daniel's treatments have given me some of the deepest insights and following his course allowed me to touch an inner power which still rocks me every day. :) ....And he is funny. I like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Gita Nicola Schneider

“Compassionate support”

I was interested in discovering  more about shamanism, but there was some big difference  between answering a curiosity and investing in a one year program on shamanic healing.  So, I had to take my time to think about it.  Now that I am in the program, I found that my investment  pales in comparison to the time and  compassionate support Daniel provides to our personal and spiritual growth.  Each session with  him helped me to give birth to unknown or ignored parts of myself (or my soul) in a such a secure manner!  Thank you Daniel! - A. Adronic

“One Thousand Thanks Daniel!”

I have a lot of respect for you and what you taught us in the course....especially for the way it was done. Even though it is a sort of magical topic, you offered the material with simplicity, humility and flexibility....and humour! One Thousand Thanks Daniel! - Michel St Gelais

“I gained confidence over night”

I would like to again thank you for your work on the weekend! The change has been incredible. I have been searching for years trying to find a cure for how I felt, and you managed to get the results within one weekend. I gained confidence over night, my social anxiety has largely disappeared and I feel in my body again. Thanks so much! I really look forward to learning more! - Ryan M.

“An amazing experience...”

I really enjoyed the retreat & am so looking forward to the next one. Thank you for making it an amazing experience... - Kia K.

“Truly great”

I am still shaking my head wondering what went on! (Half joking!) What a way to come home! It was truly great. I am now working to integrate such greatness in my daily life! - Mary W.

“What an incredibly transformational time”

Thank you soooo much for this amazing weekend retreat! Wasn't it AWESOME? All the cool stuff that happened, the food, the beautiful place, people and the adorable little bear that showed up? What an incredibly transformational time. I am so honoured to have you on this journey. - Anja S.

“One of the best things I have ever done for myself”

“I always enjoyed your openness and humanness and never felt for a moment that I was not able to trust. I knew I was in good hands. Your vulnerability and safe space creation is very healing indeed. This is why I always recommend you to others and think you are a great shaman. You are definitely a healer who empowers and instills confidence.  I still think choosing to do your training was one of the best things I have ever done for myself” - Serena O.

“Truly a gift to have worked with you”

A truly monumental life changing experience! I HIGHLY recommend it for those truly wanting to know themselves and the truest profundity of the Universe that surrounds them...Hard to sum up the experience, short of earthshakingly, resonantly transformational. The course really has put me on the Straight and Narrow Path, I had no idea what would take place during this course, but it has cemented my relationship with myself and the Universe and galvanized my resolve to follow the path I was destined to. A dream that wells up from the depths of dreams in childhood, combining Art, Shamanism and Healing.  Ad Astra to all the amazing people who walked this leg of my journey with me, with deepest affections - especially to dear Daniel, an amazing example to us, a healer, mystic, way-shower, comedic, and heartwarmingly human man, truly a gift to have worked with you. Looking in eager anticipation toward your advanced course, definitely count me in! - Anja S.

"I can't recommend this program enough!"

If you're interested in shamanism or healing work, I can't recommend this program enough. Daniel is a such a gifted and amazing teacher and the program is a life-changer - I'm still feeling the effects after many years of completing the program, like a path has been energetically clearing for me both personally and professionally. I came away with not only new healing skills, but a transformed relationship with my spiritual path.

 "A sacred space that opens and challenges me to be myself"

Words cannot express the impact this work has in my life.  It is humbling and creates a sacred space that opens and challenges me to be myself.  Slowly, I observe myself owning my power as layers of unexpressed emotions and thoughts release.   I am grateful for this experience and the circle of beautiful souls who opened their hearts!  Daniel,  your energy creates a space full of love and manifested some of the most amazing women I know of. This says a lot about you as a teacher!  Thank you for your humour, authenticity and open heart!  -Harpreet K.

What people are saying on Social Media

Barbara Mackenzie shared The Medicine Circle's photo.
I took Daniel's Shamanic Healing course in 2013. It added such a beautiful new dimension to my work. Souls everywhere are crying out for healing on two levels: for their own needs or to help others. If you hear the ringing, answer this call!! (and let me know cause I'm curious that way).
I love Daniel. He's one of my favorite people. Rooted in humanity as a healer of spirit. I can only imagine his teachings now. I'm tempted to take this just to hang out with him again. Lol!

Gita Nicola Schneider
Toronto!!! Amazing. Don't miss it.

Denise Exler shared The Medicine Circle's photo.
This amazing course is worth it on so many levels. The making of new friendships, increasing the connection with our spirit helpers, the understanding of our shamanic skills and the opportunity to step into our power through practice. I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in discovering more about oneself and the world of core shamanism.

Serena Oakley
I'm so grateful for having done the training with you.. best thing I've ever done for myself. I hope others who feel called take the leap into this wonderful awakening of power and soul healing.

Karen Hawes
So many things I could say about the wonderful Daniel Leonard as a person and healer and this amazing program, but I can save a long post and summarize in two words. Life. Changing.

Helena Frank shared The Medicine Circle's photo.
My first experience with Daniel and the shamanic path was a soul retrieval and it transformed my life. It helped me to reclaim a power that I had not felt since I was very young and I was called to take the one year training course. Through this, I have made a deep, resonant and needed connection with myself and my spirit helpers. Everyday, because of this connection, I experience the brilliance that nature has to share in a multitude of ways; guiding me, offering answers and leading me home to myself. I feel more complete, challenged and grounded through this work and I am beginning to open up to the beautiful ways I can be of service to others!

Chantale De Serres shared The Medicine Circle's photo.
Cette formation m'a permis de découvrir mon "Feu Sacré"...trouver MA place, créer une puissante connexion avec plus grand que MOI, ressentir l'énergie et me laisser guider par elle et dépasser, me soigner et m'accueillir telle que je suis!!! Aujourd'hui...j'offre ma médecine à ceux et celles qui croisent ma route et qui ont besoin de guérison. Je serai éternellement reconnaissante envers Daniel pour tous ces enseignements transmis avec passion, douceur, sensibilité, unicité, respect, amour et lumière! Un cadeau à s'offrir...à soi et à l'humanité

Adina Andronic shared The Medicine Circle's photo.
This is a great training on how to be and stay connected to your inner truth. I met most beautiful people, learned a lot about myself and also had a lot of fun.